Thursday, July 11, 2013

Space-Time (The Final Frontier)

So I've been thinking about Theoretical Physics today after watching a lecture by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.  Here are my philosophical musings and thoughts on the matter of space-time and a Theory of Everything.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Career (A Life's Work)

Much has influenced my decision to come back to school and pursue a doctoral degree. My particular passions require me to obtain a higher degree in order to be qualified to pursue them as a profession. However, if that were the sole reason for attending college and assimilating so much knowledge then I would be poorly motivated to succeed and do well, let alone actually enjoy the process. There has to be some driving force for what we do as individuals, or at least there ideally should be if we are to have any sort of contentment and satisfaction in life. All this is said with the understanding that not everyone is in a position which enables them to go off and pursue their dreams. I do believe that a family comes first and if there are children who depend on you, setting aside your dreams in order to provide them a better life is a noble endeavor. However, there are many who have very few actual limitations constraining their lives and it is to them that I address this challenge. Have a career, not simply a job.